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Sunday, February 18, 2007


Welcome to my new blog!
My intention is to use this site to share my thoughts about our world and about the amazing spiritual awakening that is happening right now within and all around us. I hope that you will visit often and share your insights and comments too.

We really are living at the most exciting time, aren't we - a time when information on anything we want to research is available to us from all over the world. Ideas are shared in an instant across the globe. It is at our fingertips with the press of a few keys on the computer. Every day we can tap into breakthrough knowledge; we can hear what others are thinking and join in their pain or confusion, their joy or celebration. It is this instant connection to each others ' wisdom, hopes, desires, and visions for the future that is so intriguing and powerful.

Today I was thinking about our world leaders and about the many conflicts and wars that are in process. There seems to be a huge lag time between the thoughts of those who seek conflict and the thoughts of all the rest of humanity - the millions who think peace, pray for it, and seek to embody it in their lives.

If the teachers in the movie The Secret are correct, and the outer world is but a relection of our inner thoughts, it would seem that we have some work to do yet. We can't do anything to change someone else's thinking, but we can do everything possible to change our own. When we hold nothing but peace in our minds and hearts, then faster than the internet, we connect with all the rest of humanity that is thinking peace. Together we are a force for good.

This week I've decided to watch my own thoughts more carefully and to choose peace, love, and forgiveness whenever I notice negativity creeping in. Will you join me? We will lift each other up to higher ground.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing you insight and reminding us all of the importance of positive thoughts and feelings..

Anonymous said...

I am with you, Louise. I choose Peace.


P.S. I am reading The Divine Matrix because of you and Greg Braden reinforces that we are one and we can instantly uplift each other.