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Monday, February 26, 2007

Follow that Dream - Bless our World

It seems to me that far too many people were raised to believe it is somehow better - even holier - to give to others before taking care of self. Because I have been there as a mother, I understand that there are indeed times when the needs of those we are responsible for must come first. But what I am talking about here is putting our own dreams on hold for so long that it becomes almost impossible to find motivation for them any more.

A dream denied blesses no one. A dream fulfilled has the potential to bless every life touched by it.

I think this world would be far better off if more of us found the inner courage to follow our heart's desires and fulfill our life's purpose. Think of all the new beauty, hope, light, wealth, wisdom, and abundance that would flow from dreams that are fulfilled and lives that are richly and joyously energized.

A dream I have is reaching thousands of people with words of inspiration and hope through the internet. This blog is my beginning. Feel free to pass this post on to family, friends and colleagues, especially those who are still sitting on on their hearts' desires. What is the dream you are reaching for today?

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