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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"When you want it, let it go."
- Sandra Anne Taylor

This little 7-word quote has a tremendous amount of truth in it. I think many of us have trouble with the idea of the non-attachment to outcome these words encourage because it appears to us that "letting go" is equal to "giving up". Or, maybe we feel that letting go means "giving in" to something that is less than desirable.

We do give up something when we let go;
we give up stressing, forcing, and struggling.
In return we get a sense of peace and freedom.

Letting go of the need to control an outcome is actually a powerful spiritual approach to ensuring a result that serves the highest good of all concerned. None of us can ever know enough about a situation to be absolutely certain what is best for all. Yet each of us has access to the wisdom of Heaven, which always serves the right and perfect Good.

I have found that letting go is a form of holy release. It opens my mind to possibilities I may not have considered before and it allows me to be more playful with any problem or challenge I am facing. So, in my world, letting go is equivalent to letting things be easier.

  • Think of letting go as a way of inviting God to think with you.
  • When you find yourself getting tense, sad, or worried, simply say "I give this to God and it is taken care of."
  • Create a ritual of some kind that makes your act of release more meaningful.

Wishing you a light heart and an easy mind,


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